Friday, October 18, 2019

Marriage in Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marriage in Crisis - Essay Example After this, the next step is to analyze the families based on the multi-generational transmission concept. Since it is generally accepted that those who were abused generally repeat the cycle by becoming abusers, this is probably the case with Luis. By allowing him to understand this and reviewing his own feelings as a child, he can develop empathy for what he is putting his children through. Furthermore, some of the issues Jessica is causing also need to be addressed. Jessica's relationship is unstable, as Bowen argued that many two-person relationships are. Therefore, to bring about stability, she tends to involve her older son. This is unhealthy for her son, since he is too young to understand fully the repercussions of what is going on. Therefore, this situation needs to be addressed, and Jessica needs to be taught alternate methods for handling her issues. Genograms cam be a very helpful tool in a number of situations. In the situation of Jessica and Luis, it can provide a helpful visiual chart that may help to make them more aware of their bad situation. Jessica and Luis are undergoing many relationship issues, and genograms can be helpful in providing awareness in issues like this. The genogram itself "is a visual representation of an individual's family of origin and is similar in concept to a family tree" (Daughhetee, 2001, p. 21). It has been used for many decades in family therapy and was initially created by Murray Bowen. The genogram allows the counselor and the family to take a look at the relationships, roles, patterns, and functions that are common within the family. This can therefore allow the counselor to gather important data, cover levels of functioning, create hypothesis, and increase the awareness of the family regarding the emotional processes and repercussions their family structure may be undergoing (Daughhetee, 2 001). Genograms can be quite helpful as far as many theoretical models are concerned. Genograms have been seen as a very effective way to analyze marriage and family relations. However, genograms have also been healthy in other areas as well; health care being one, and addictions treatment being another. Genograms can be useful for people of all ages and across the lifespan, and therefore can also be used with all ages. In this case, it can be used for Jessica, Luis, and the children (Daughhetee, 2001). The genogram, with its emphasis on patterns and relationships, is therefore a relevant and appropriate intervention tool for use with a struggling family. When a genogram is used in counseling, the counselor gains a abundance of information concerning systemic patterns within the client's family of origin. Although a genogram is advantageous simply as a method of gathering and analyzing information, it is also capable of deepening client awareness and insight. The family history that comes alive on a genogram can often explain disturbing or confusing behaviors of family members, and the insight and understanding that are realized through discussion of these insights can promote healing and growth. As the client perceives the connection between systemic patterns and behavior, the tendency to same is diminished, and healing can begin (Daughhetee, 2001). In the case of Luis and Jessica, the genogram can be used to track the

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